Marissa’s Story

Marissa's life hasn’t always been this joyful. In fact, there was a real darkness in her life following her divorce as a young woman. She has a really beautiful story to tell about how God changed her life when she began to listen to his voice.

Marissa had a baseline level of faith for a long time. In fact, she works at a church and was doing all the churchy things… but if she was honest, inside she was barely surviving.

Over a year of deep work at an experience for women we call One Year for Women, Marissa discovered that there is a difference between knowing about God and actually knowing Him. She learned that she doesn’t have to settle for surviving but that she deserves and can find this thing Jesus calls life to the full.

We call this story “surviving to thriving” and it’s Marissa’s story of how God redeemed the roughest season of her life and replaced her pain with joy.


Justin’s Story


Jimmy’s Story