Find the life that Jesus offers
What if the best way to follow Jesus in a busy world is to create space to be still and listen to His voice?
We offer experiences and resources to help you find the life that
Jesus offers.
Be still and Listen
From One Weekend to One Year, our experiences will help you create space to listen to God.
Create space to be with Jesus and hear His voice, wherever you are.
A podcast about how to live the life that Jesus offers.
LISTEN is our book designed to help you hear the voice of God.
Seek well was birthed out of desperation. Tim Shelton and Bill Holbrook were tired and worn out; exhausted from life of knowing a lot about God without actually knowing Him. So, they decided to start getting away to a rustic cabin in the woods to reconnect with the God they once knew. They began seeking God in the quiet spaces and learned to listen for His voice.
What they discovered was incredible! God started to changed their lives and transform them into who He designed them to be. Since 2017 we’ve seen God do the same in hundreds of men and women.
Our Story
“I had a baseline level of faith for a long time. In fact, I work at a church and was doing all the churchy things… but if i’m honest, inside I was barely surviving.”
“Before Seek Well my life was crazy fast and I was burning out; But now, i’m experiencing life to the full!”
— Jimmy
“Life’s pace can get crazy and out of control. It wasn’t until I learned to move at a different pace that Jesus changed my life. Now I’m living freely and lightly.”