Spiritual Rhythm is essential to living life to the full. During this episode we discuss how to create spiritual rhythm and why it’s necessary to truly live the life that Jesus offers. We’ll also share a portion of our conversation with Tim Bohlke about rhythm and the critical role it plays in our lives plus introduce our brand new segment called Three Things We Love!
Spiritual Rhythm is essential to living life to the full. During this episode we discuss how to create spiritual rhythm and why it’s necessary to truly live the life that Jesus offers. In addition, we introduce a new segment called “Three Things We Love”.
Cast: Tim Shelton (host), Josh Collesano (producer), Kelli Shelton and Bill Holbrook
Guest Interview: Tim Bohlke. BIO - Tim the author of Harbor Seven and Thin Places as well as the founder of Harbor Ministries based in Lincoln, Nebraska. Father of three, husband to Marcia and passionate adventurer, Tim cares deeply about investing in men of all ages, teaching them how to lead well for a lifetime and avoid the burnout that often comes with the fast pace of life.
Topics discussed in this episode:
-Tim’s embarrassing story of learning to play the drums as a kid
-Our definition of spiritual rhythm - The disciplined, unhurried, effortless connection with Jesus that produces intimacy with Him.
-Rhythm takes time and discipline to develop and effortless connection
-Intimacy produces life to the full; a life lived free and light.
-How to slow down and eliminate the noise in our lives
-How to create space to hear the voice of God
-Segment from our interview with Tim Bohlke on Rhythm (full interview coming next episode)
-The Daily Rhythm for JanuaryIntroducing… Three Things We Love!
The Tech-wise Family by Andy Crouch
Fresh Eucalyptus available at Fresh Time Grocery stores
Field Notes pocket JournalResources mentioned in this episode:
Beginning this month, our free digital listening experience called The Daily Rhythm will be offered in sync with Free And Light. For more information visit thedailyrhythm.org
This podcast is an offering of Seek Well. To find out more about us visit seekwell.org
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