Spiritual Rhythm
What is Spiritual Rhythm?
At Seek Well, we believe that Jesus’ life was a model for how we are to live our lives. He knew how to stay in continual connection with God during the busyness of his ministry by retreating to the quiet places. In scripture we see that there was this ebb and flow with Jesus; a rhythm of doing his Father’s work and being still.
Our pattern of connecting to God is what we call “spiritual rhythm”.
Spiritual Rhythm is not about the do’s and don’t of Christianity. It’s about developing an intimate, unhurried, and loving connection with God. Out of that close connection comes the life that Jesus offers; life to the full.

“Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”
— Jesus, Matthew 11:28 (The Message)
Before you begin:
This seven-day experience is designed to help you create some space to be with God. Before you begin, we have four best practices that will help you create space to connect with God and develop spiritual rhythm.
Best Practice 1
Set aside 20-30 mins
Set aside 20-30 minutes of quiet space each day. Put this time on your calendar and create a daily discipline to meet with God.
Best Practice 2
No distractions
You will want to be free of distraction. If you are using your phone for this experience, set it to Do Not Disturb.
Best Practice 3
Get a journal
We will ask you to write out your thoughts each day as part of this experience. Trust us, it’s an important part of the process.
Best Practice 4
Invite God in
Don’t forget to invite God into this. Consider a simple prayer like this:
“God, I’m here. I want what you want for my life. Speak, Lord, I’m listening.”
Ready to begin?
Click on Day One below to get started.

Want to know more about Spiritual Rhythm?
Check out our podcast! On Free and Light, we dive into the spiritual pratices that help us live the life that Jesus offers.