Take a real rest. Learn the practice of Sabbath.

If you have ever wondered, ‘why does the Seek Well crew keep talking about sabbath?’

We double-dog-dare you to come find out.

The practice of sabbath is an invitation into the rest of God. It is His gift to us to help us deepen our spiritual rhythm, and our connection to Him. We believe this practice is best learned by experiencing sabbath for yourself.

And so, we want to invite you to this ALUMNI ONLY experience and learn to practice sabbath, together.


  • Women - Friday, April 14th at 5:30pm

    Men - Sunday, April 16th at 4:00pm

  • Session One: An Invitation to Rest

  • Experience what it’s like to sabbath.

  • Session Two: The Rest of God

  • Departure is at 11:30am


Read this book

Before you come to Haven, we ask that you read this book by Walter Brueggeman. This will give you an incredible context on why Sabbath is an act of resistance against the culture of this world and a movement towards the rest of God.

Don’t worry, we’ll make it easy for you by shipping it to you right after you register!

Listen to this podcast episode

During season one of the Free And Light podcast, we unpacked the Practice of Sabbath.

Listen to find out more about how we are implementing sabbath in our own lives.


What should I bring?

All you need to bring with you are your clothes, personal items, a bible, pen and camping chair. We have everything else covered. Make sure you dress for the weather depending on the season.

Is the format similar to Refresh and Encourage?

It sure is! You probably know what you can expect by now when you come to Haven. But don’t worry, we have plenty of surprises in store for this experience!

What about health procedures?

We take careful precautions to ensure your safety at Seek Well. However, we cannot guarantee that this will be a COVID, Influenza, RSV, etc. free environment. Participation is at your own risk.

See our most up-to-date health protocol and policies here.

Are sleeping arrangements the same?

They sure are. You’ll be staying in the bunk room for this experience. If you have sleep problems, snore, or would like to request a room upstairs, please reach out to our team at

How much does this experience cost?

The Sabbath experience is $299 and covers all of your food, lodging, and materials.


Would you help support Seek Well?

We exist becuase of the generosity of our financial supporters. Please consider supporting us by donating monthly. For every dollar you give you will help us guide men and women all over the country to be still, listen to God, and seek him well.