A podcast about how to live the life that Jesus offers.
About the Show
On this podcast, we’ll talk about the spiritual practices that will change your life by learning to slow down and seek Jesus well.
We will share what we have learned about pursuing Jesus in our most difficult seasons and share the moments that are shaping our faith today.
And, we will invite our friends into the conversation by talking to men and women whose lives have been radically transformed by practicing the ways of Jesus.
New episodes will be released every two weeks on Monday’s.
Join us as we learn to live Free And Light.
Meet Your Hosts
Tim Shelton
Father to two daughters and husband to Kelli, Tim is always looking for an adventure. If you want a great story, ask him about one of his 39 past obsessions! Tim is one of the co-founders of Seek Well.
Josh Collesano
Husband, father, friend. Josh loves tacos and coffee equally and believes deeply in the adventure that Jesus invites all of us into. Producer of Free And Light, and the creative director for Seek Well.
Kelli Shelton
Wife to Tim and mom of two beautiful girls. Loves a good story, doughnuts and laughing. Writer, speaker, encourager, and co-founder of Seek Well. Disclaimer: a hugger.
Bill Holbrook
Bill is a husband and father of 3, baseball fan, executive coach, and maniacal runner who loves Jesus. He’s also the executive director and one of the founders of the Seek Well movement.
The Edge of the Volcano: Meeting God in the Midst of Pain and Emotion
Remembering God’s faithfulness allows us to weather the storms of life when they come.
RC Cars and Ice Cream: Trading the Lies of the Enemy for the Truth of God
Sometimes God's message of his love for us comes from seemingly unexpected places
School Lockdowns and Sushi: Trusting God in the Hardest Moments
It’s easy to trust God when everything is going good. But what about the bad?
Season Three: Welcome Back!
Join us for a new season of Free And Light where we explore how listening to God in the moment-to-moment of life’s circumstances has led to deep and profound growth.
Al Shelton - Seeking well for a lifetime
What does it take to stay the course in our pursuit of Jesus?
That question can best be answered by learning from those who have a lifetime of experience. In this episode Tim interviews his Dad Al and discovers that his story of faith wasn’t perfect. Al grew up in poverty with divorced parents who didn’t follow Jesus. After finding God as a boy, his life changed by allowing older men to mentor him in spiritual practices that has helped Al seek well for a lifetime.
How to seek well for a lifetime
Following Jesus is difficult. Life can be hard and spiritual growth rarely comes easy. So, how do we keep moving forward in our pursuit of God? In this episode we discuss three key practices that will help you seek Jesus well for a lifetime.
Kaya Sheppard - Finding peace within the pain of infertility
After years of struggling with infertility, Kaya was angry with God. She struggled to believe her prayers were being heard or that God even cared. A breakthrough came when she learned to surrender her desires to God’s plan. Kaya was able to unpack the root of her pain, and was able to find peace and joy in the midst of her circumstances.
Do you want what God wants?
Do you really want what God wants for your life? Or, do you want what you want? The reality is that most people make Jesus their Savior, but few make Him their King. In this episode, we talk about the process of surrender and why it’s critical to finding the life that Jesus offers.
About Seek Well
We are a movement of men and women who believe God at his word; that if we would seek Him with all our hearts we will find him. We are just crazy enough to believe that when we find Him, we find life to the full.
Who We Are
What We Do
Our mission is to help you slow down and learn to listen to Jesus. We believe that listening is the key to intimacy with God. To help you discover this, we offer in person experiences for men and women as well as various digital experiences like The Daily Rhythm and our book, Listen.
Subscribe to our email list, listen to the podcast, buy a copy of Listen and best of all, come to an in person experience at Haven. We’ve got something for you no matter where you are at. Join us and learn what it’s like to seek Jesus well.