Episode 17: Slow(ing) Down
Episode 17: Slow(ing) Down
Hurry and distraction will wreck our connection with God and ability to love others. So what can we do to fight against these twin enemies? Intentionally put ourselves in situations where we have to wait. Join us as we unpack the spiritual practice of slowing down and what it means to our pursuit of life to the full.
Hurry and distraction will wreck our connection with God and ability to love others. So what can we do to fight against these twin enemies? Intentionally put ourselves in situations where we have to wait. Join us as we unpack the spiritual practice of slowing down and what it means to our pursuit of life to the full.
Hurry and distraction will wreck our connection with God and ability to love others. So what can we do to fight against these twin enemies? Intentionally put ourselves in situations where we have to wait. Join us as we unpack the spiritual practice of slowing down and what it means to our pursuit of life to the full.
Topics discussed in this episode:
• Life to the full vs filling it to the fullest
• A preview of Justin Thomas’s story in E18 (coming soon)
• How hurry ruins our spiritual life
• Being present vs absent
• What is the practice of Slowing
• Why this matters to your spiritual rhythmThree Things We Love!
1. Benchmade Bugout 2
2. Dude Perfect BackStage Pass
3. The Grown-Up’s Guide to Teenage Human’s - by Josh ShippResources mentioned in this episode:The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark ComerThis podcast is an offering of Seek Well. To find out more about us visit seekwell.org
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Please consider supporting this podcast with a tax deductible monthly donation. Your generosity will help us continue to invest in the lives of men and women who want to live the life that Jesus offers by learning to slow down, listen for his voice and Seek Well. To donate, visit seekwell.org/donate