Lies and Agreements Part 3: Breaking Agreements
Lies and Agreements Part 3: Breaking Agreements
What if you discovered that you have been living in agreement with the enemy? Would you want to break that agreement and live in freedom, pursuing wholeness with God? Of course you would! In this episode we discover together how to break agreements and walk in freedom and truth with God.
How to break agreements with the enemy and pursue wholeness with God.
What if you discovered that you have been living in agreement with the enemy? Would you want to break that agreement and live in freedom, pursuing wholeness with God? Of course you would! In this episode we discover together how to break agreements and walk in freedom and truth with God.
Topics discussed in this episode:
We all share our church of origin background
Our experiences help shape and form us
The Enemy is a liar
The consequences of our agreements with the Enemy
Bill shares a story of identifying and breaking agreements
How to break agreements
Truth is reality as God defines it
Repent, rebuke, receive and the path towards healing, restoration, and wholeness
Resources mentioned in this episode:
This podcast is an offering of Seek Well. To find out more about us visit
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Please consider supporting this podcast with a tax deductible monthly donation. Your generosity will help us continue to invest in the lives of men and women who want to live the life that Jesus offers by learning to slow down, listen for his voice and Seek Well. To donate, visit