Episode 21: Gratitude
Episode 19: Gratitude
Are you working for the weekend? Or are you working from a place of rest? Sabbath is an invitation from God to live our lives differently; deeply connected to God, and from a place of freedom. Join this month as we talk about the practice of Sabbath.
Have you ever noticed that we experience the negative events in our lives more powerfully than the positive? Jesus knew this and the impact this has on our hearts. So, what did he do? He modeled how to practice gratitude by the way he lived his life. Join us as we unpack the spiritual practice of gratitude!
Topics discussed in this episode:
-Negativity Bias
-How gratitude impacts us physically, emotionally, and spiritually
-Roadblocks to gratitude
-Why the practice of gratitude matters to our pursuit of God
-How gratitude was modeled in the New Testament
-Gratitude as essential for living life to the full
-Our four best tips for practicing gratitude todayThree Things We Love!
1.Oura Ring
2. Yates Cider Mill
3. The Little Design CoResources mentioned in this episode:
The Daily Rhythm
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