Episode 6: Prayer
Many of us struggle with prayer. Why should we pray? How does it work? And what’s the point? In this episode we discuss our hang-up’s with prayer, what we believe, and how Jesus taught us to pray.
Many of us struggle with prayer. Why should we pray? How does it work? And what’s the point? In this episode we discuss our hang ups with prayer, what we believe, and how Jesus taught us to pray.
Many of us struggle with prayer. Why should we pray? How does it work? And what’s the point? In this episode we discuss our hang ups with prayer, what we believe, and how Jesus taught us to pray.
Topics discussed in this episode:
-How ‘Church of Origin’ effects our view of prayer
-Kelli’s struggle with Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Prayer is more than communication
-What Jesus taught us about prayer (The Lord’s Prayer)
-Surrendering our agenda
-Practical steps towards practicing prayer
-The Daily Rhythm - March
-Coming soon, S1:E7 - “Doughnuts and Jesus”Three Things We Love!
Nick’s Sticks
Resources mentioned in this episode:
This podcast is an offering of Seek Well. To find out more about us visit
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