Core Motivation: When Life Happens, Where Do We Go and What Do We Do?
Core Motivation: When Life Happens, Where Do We Go and What Do We Do?
As we journey deeper with God we discover that we all have longings that have gone unfulfilled. The truth is that our ability to love others is directly tied to having our own needs met and sometimes the places we find ourselves are a means of escape or relief from the life that we’re living. What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Where do we go?
As we journey deeper with God we discover that we all have longings that have gone unfulfilled. The truth is that our ability to love others is directly tied to having our own needs met and sometimes the places we find ourselves are a means of escape or relief from the life that we’re living. What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Where do we go?
As we journey deeper with God we discover that we all have longings that have gone unfulfilled. The truth is that our ability to love others is directly tied to having our own needs met and sometimes the places we find ourselves are a means of escape or relief from the life that we’re living. What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Where do we go?
Topics Discussed In This Episode
The most surprising thing that we’ve learned about ourselves
“We listen and we don’t judge”
Kelli’s story of how we often cope when “life” happens
The core longing of security and the desire for comfort
Core motivations: why we do the things that we do
Core longings and longing deficiencies
We are meaning making machines with eternity in our hearts
A NEW segment: Guided Listening
Resources mentioned in this episode:
This podcast is an offering of Seek Well. To find out more about us visit
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Please consider supporting this podcast with a tax deductible monthly donation. Your generosity will help us continue to invest in the lives of men and women who want to live the life that Jesus offers by learning to slow down, listen for his voice and Seek Well. To donate, visit