Am I not in the rain?
As the rain pounded we eventually shifted to playing corn hole and washers in the garage. It wasn’t our plan but the guys were having fun. As I was getting beat at corn hole, I could feel my blood pressure rising. Partly because I hate losing; partly because something bigger was going on inside me. I decided to let someone else play and I went outside and watched the rain. As I watched, I shook my head and said “really?”. I was royally ticked. We have been planning this Refresh for almost a year. We have prayed over these guys, fasted for them and have had countless hours planning this experience. In my mind I was thinking “and you can’t stop the rain for a day?”
Then, in that still small voice, Jesus said to me, “am I not in the rain?”
Chasing the King
A few months ago, eight men from past Refresh Groups joined Josh and I in a new leadership adventure in Estes Park, Colorado. This experience is designed for those who have traveled through Refresh, teaching them the leadership skills required to finish the race well (1 Cor 9:24). The central theme to this adventure is simple - great leaders chase after the King.
I have struggled for weeks now about posting this short film. All of our experiences have an element of mystery and delight. We intentionally DON’T tell you all of the details so that you will be forced to get out of your comfort zone as you seek Jesus with us. However, after thinking and praying about it, there is no way we could hold this back.