Flood Stage

Tim and Josh on the bank of the Big Thompson River, Estes Park CO

On my first trip into Estes Park, we pulled over by the river to watch the sun set behind the mountains. We stood there amazed at the beauty and power in front of us. Tim shared that this was the same river that at one point caused catastrophic flooding all over this part of Colorado. To my surprise, he told us that he was there in September of 2013 when it happened and just barely made it out before the flood came. 

I remember listening and thinking, “wait! THIS river did all of THAT?!” In the moment it was so peaceful and steady, staying on course and well within its banks; not overflowing and causing the destruction he was describing. In the same moment I realized a really important truth about our lives. 

I think our lives are a lot like a river. Most of the time we operate well within its banks, flowing at a steady pace with an almost predictable and healthy rhythm. Life feels good and we are thriving. However, there are times when we find ourselves at flood stage; when we’ve allowed too much into our lives and we can no longer keep within our banks and under control. The pace picks up until there is nowhere to go...we overflow with chaos and, sometimes, destruction. It’s only until the storm settles and the water retreats that we can return to the rhythm at which we were intended to live and flow. 

If we are honest, too often we find ourselves at a flood stage where the pace is just too quick, with too much to do and care for. And we wonder why we damage our souls and those around us...

What if there was a way to ensure we never reach that flood stage, never overflow our banks? What if we could move at a steady pace; a better rhythm? GOOD NEWS! Jesus invites us into a better way:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11: 28-30 MSG

The truth is that we were never meant to live at such a chaotic pace.

It’s for this very reason that we created Getaway; to provide space for you and your soul to discover a new pace and rhythm. A place for you to learn how to recover your life and take a real rest. We can tell you from our experience (learning the hard way) and those that have gone before us, that it is possible and not some idealistic goal that sounds good. 

Jesus is inviting you - come to me and get your life back… back within its banks. Move to the pace I created for you and you’ll not only get the rest you need; but you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. 

So, if your life feels more like a river at flood stage, then this is your invitation… please come to Getaway

-Josh Collesano


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