An Invitation to Rest (part two)
If you haven’t read part one of An Invitation to Rest then click here.
…Chances are that when you read this you will be well into your Christmas preparations, or maybe it’s that window of time between Christmas and New Years that seems to slip by all too quickly. Whichever is the case we wanted to invite you to rest with us as we look back in gratitude and embrace hope for the coming year.
◦ Look Back in Gratitude
We are taking intentional moments to look back and recognize all of the times God spoke and worked in our lives this year. What better way to end this year than in a posture of gratitude! We often say - Gratitude is the gateway to JOY! - and our team is going to practice it. Join us and mark the moments; thank God for all that He has done. #REJOICE!
◦ Embrace Hope
If you look around the world right now then you know we are desperate for Hope. The division, loss, and tragedies of the world are almost too much to bear. We would be missing the point of what this season means to each of us if we only focused on the good; without acknowledging that this can be a hard season for many.
Yet, as we sit and read through the story of the first Christmas, deep inside, a twinge of hope wells up. God sent his Son to us so we wouldn’t have to navigate this life alone. He could have sent Jesus to earth and kept Him locked up in some palace or kept him hidden away with the priests in some temple. Yet he came, humbly, available to all of us. He sent hope to be born into the world. Our hope is not in anything that this season can offer. Our hope is in the gift God gave us; His son, Immanuel, God with us. We are choosing to fully embrace the hope of the world, Jesus.
Friends, we all have two choices we can make this Holiday season. We can buy into the cultural madness that comes this time of year; or we can take the opportunity to fill our souls with more of God and His love and move at his pace. Our team is taking the second option and shutting it down for two weeks to rest in the goodness of God. Would you join us?
Slow down with us and seek Jesus this Christmas season
The Seek Well Team
“O God, gather me now
to be with you
as you are with me.
Soothe my tiredness;
quiet my fretfulness;
curb my aimlessness;
relieve my compulsiveness;
let me be easy for a moment.
O Lord, release me
from the fears and guilts
which grip me so tightly;
from the expectations and opinions
which I so tightly grip,
that I may be open
to receiving what you give,
to risking something genuinely new,
to learning something refreshingly different.”