Learn to LISTEN to Jesus

Let’s be honest, life has this way of leaving us tired and worn out; burned out from the demands of each day. Not just physically or mentally, but in our souls.

So, what if there was a better way?

What if you slowed down, for just 20 minutes a day, and let your soul catch up to your body?

What if you took a real rest and learned to listen to God?

We believe it would change your life.

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Let us guide you.

LISTEN is a seven week experience designed to help you hear the voice of God. It offers simple but profound practices to help you silence the noise and develop intimacy with Jesus through the lost art of listening.

Hearing from God is not complicated. We just have to be still long enough to listen.

Learn to listen and seek Jesus well today.

A Look Inside

Practical Instruction

We’ll guide you through the process of listening. We’ll help explain the details of settling, invitational prayer, active listening and as you let scripture speak to your soul.

Daily Guidance

Listen is a daily experience over seven weeks. Each day we’ll guide you through 20 minutes of listening as you create space to be with Jesus.

Listen Together

Experience Jesus by yourself or in a group of friends. We have designed this experience for maximum impact no matter how you choose to listen.

What people are saying about LISTEN:

Rachel S.

"Learning to really LISTEN to Jesus changes everything about your life. It changes you!"

John L.

"Learning to listen for and follow Jesus’ voice has turned my life on its head in all the most beautiful, confusingly wonderful ways."

Mark G.

“I lead my ministry through LISTEN and it was a game changer.

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When is the last time you heard Jesus speak?

Let us show you how to listen.